
My daughter is four months old, and a few days ago, we discovered a hard lump in her breast. Could it be precocious puberty? What checks are needed for a definitive diagnosis? She has been drinking Abbott’s formula milk, and we’ve given her carrot juice during this time. What problems can arise from eating out-of-season carrots?


Precocious puberty is an abnormal sexual development that requires breast swelling checks and the exclusion of other possible causes, while being vigilant about the impact of consuming out-of-season vegetables on children’s health. First, go to the hospital to check if the breast lump is a breast bud, and then make a clear diagnosis. Many out-of-season vegetables and fruits are matured and preserved with chemicals to maintain freshness. Overconsumption of fried foods may also lead to precocious puberty in children, so attention should be paid to dietary health.