
A newborn of 21 days old is experiencing elevated jaundice and an abnormally low white blood cell count of 4.5. The doctor has declared the situation severe and the baby has been placed in an incubator. How should parents understand this situation and what actions should they take?


Elevated jaundice and an abnormally low white blood cell count in newborns may suggest the possibility of sepsis, necessitating further checks for CRP and blood cultures, as well as empirically administered antibiotic treatment. Simultaneously, blue light therapy should be administered to reduce the level of jaundice. The duration of hospitalization depends on the condition: if sepsis is confirmed, the hospital stay may range from 14 to 21 days, especially if complicated by purulent meningitis, which would require a longer period; if sepsis is ruled out, the hospital stay is approximately 10 days. Parents should follow the doctor’s advice and prepare