What is neonatal swallowing syndrome, and how should one handle a newborn with this condition?
Neonatal swallowing syndrome refers to difficulties in swallowing or vomiting that appear in newborns after birth. For infants with mild symptoms, no special treatment is usually required. It is essential to ensure that the baby is placed on their side to prevent aspiration of vomit, and most mild cases will recover naturally within 1 to 2 days after the vomit is cleared. During this period, the baby may need to temporarily fast and receive supportive treatment. Breastfeeding can resume once vomiting has ceased, and it has little impact on the child’s health. For infants with severe vomiting, 1% sodium bicarbonate solution can be used for gastric lavage, and electrolyte imbalances can be corrected, with appropriate fluid replacement. Specific treatment methods include using a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution prepared by mixing 12 milliliters of 5% sodium bicarbonate solution with 18 milliliters of physiological saline to create a 30-milliliter solution for treatment.