The newborn is just 12 days old. There’s no fever, coughing, and breathing is a bit rapid. The hospital blood test indicated neonatal pneumonia. Treatment requires hospitalization and injection, for 6 days. Does neonatal pneumonia treatment require an injection for 6 days? Can medication be used?
- Newborns with low immunity are easily infected, especially when infected. It’s best to be discharged after complete recovery.
- Medication should not be given to the child as it may affect the progression of the illness. Medication has little effect. Treatment time should be determined based on the child’s condition changes. If no other methods are available, discharge will occur. It’s easy to relapse. It is recommended to stay in the hospital. Try not to take medication. As for the length of hospital stay, it should be determined according to the changes in the condition and discharged as soon as possible.