
If a newborn’s jaundice has not faded by the 8th day, is this a normal phenomenon? How can one promote the jaundice to fade?


Newborn jaundice typically appears within 2 to 3 days after birth, reaches its peak between the 4th and 6th day, and then gradually diminishes. Full-term infants usually see their jaundice disappear within 2 weeks after birth, while premature infants may take up to 3 weeks. If the baby is in good general condition, with normal body temperature, appetite, and color of urine and stools, and there are no abnormalities in growth and development, even if the serum bilirubin level is slightly above the normal range of 2mg/dl but not exceeding 12mg/dl, parents should not be overly concerned. Jaundice may naturally fade within a few days.