
A 18-year-old female, 154 cm tall, weighing 48 kg, appears overweight in both upper and lower body parts. She has tried various weight loss exercise methods without success and is particularly seeking effective methods for slimming her legs.


The key to slimming legs lies in consistent exercise. It is recommended to perform simple leg exercises in the morning, such as split squats, lying leg raises, or side lying leg raises for at least 15 repetitions. Although these movements are simple, they can effectively burn fat. Taking a walk after meals also helps reduce leg fat. In addition, massaging leg muscles, skipping rope, and cycling can also aid in slimming legs, but these activities need to be sustained. In terms of diet, choose light foods, consume more vegetables and fruits like bananas, apples, watermelons, spinach, and reduce the intake of fried foods and high-sugar, high-sodium foods. As for weight loss methods such as medication, due to their potential side effects, it is advisable to consider them cautiously and not recommended for use.