
If a newborn develops mild jaundice after birth and the yellowing symptoms worsen within a few days, with the face and entire body turning yellow and lasting over 50 days, what are the dangers of high neonatal jaundice?


Neonatal jaundice initially appears as a pale yellow color, mainly confined to the face and neck, and may spread to the trunk, accompanied by conjunctival jaundice. Typically, jaundice begins to fade after 2 to 3 days and the skin color returns to normal within 5 to 6 days. However, in severe cases, jaundice may extend from the head to the feet, and even yellow staining in vomit and cerebrospinal fluid may persist for over 7 days. In extreme cases, indirect bilirubin in the blood may invade brain tissue, causing bilirubin encephalopathy, also known as kernicterus. This condition can lead to severe brain damage and even death in some critically ill infants.