
At 21 days old, a newborn was diagnosed with physiological jaundice. During this period, parents are worried that the baby might become restless due to the jaundice, which could affect the mother’s sleep. Does neonatal jaundice lead to baby crying?


Neonatal jaundice is a common clinical phenomenon, primarily caused by abnormal bilirubin metabolism during the neonatal period, leading to elevated bilirubin levels in the blood and subsequently causing yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera. This condition can be divided into two main categories: physiological and pathological. Physiological jaundice refers to a temporary yellowing caused by the characteristics of bilirubin metabolism and usually appears 2-3 days after birth, reaches its peak at 4-6 days, and naturally resolves within 7-10 days. Premature infants may experience it for a longer duration. Infants with physiological jaundice may only exhibit slight loss of appetite…