
When an infant cries, an umbilical bulge appears, about the size of a peanut shell. In this case, is the umbilical hernia serious? Will there be any Sequelae as they grow up? Some people on the internet suggest using a large silver coin stitched onto a elastic band and tied around the infant’s abdomen. Is this method appropriate?


In such cases, most newborn umbilical hernias do not pose a serious problem. In fact, most umbilical hernias can heal naturally without surgery. Typically, an infant’s umbilical hernia will gradually shrink and heal on its own within 6 to 8 months after birth, although some infants may require more time. It’s important to avoid excessive crying, coughing, or constipation in infants. If the umbilical hernia shows signs of incarceration or has not healed naturally by the age of 2, regional compression treatment with a hernia belt can be used under the guidance of a local doctor.