
My baby was born a month ago and has been very active, but recently, I’ve noticed that the baby is not moving as much and seems a bit listless. The baby is also having some difficulty breathing. After going to the hospital, the doctor said the baby has anemia. Can anemia in premature infants lead to oxygen deprivation?


For mild anemia in premature infants, it is recommended to consume foods rich in iron such as red beans, jujube, pork liver, and pork blood to supplement iron and alleviate anemia symptoms. If the anemia is more severe than moderate, further examination of the specific type of anemia is needed, with most cases being caused by iron deficiency anemia. Treatment can include the use of ferrous sulfate or ferrous ascorbate tablets. During treatment, regular blood tests should be conducted. Severe anemia may affect blood oxygen levels, leading to symptoms such as difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, and muscle weakness.