
My child has newborn jaundice. I want to buy a newborn jaundice meter, but I don’t know how to measure it. Is a bilirubin level of 280 in newborns considered high? What is the method of using the newborn jaundice meter for measurement?


Newborn jaundice refers to an abnormal bilirubin metabolism during the neonatal period, leading to elevated bilirubin levels in the blood and symptoms such as skin discoloration. Firstly, measure the bilirubin level. Your child’s bilirubin level has reached 280, which is quite high. It is suggested to take a bath with copper powder, hawthorn water, wash the face, and clean the eyes to remove the yellowish color. Additionally, you can drink Xianghuangcao granules to protect the liver, which can help lower blood bilirubin levels. It is also recommended to give your child adequate water to drink, which will help with urination and jaundice reduction.