
My baby is 45 days old and has been diagnosed with an umbilical hernia. I’m not sure if there’s anything to worry about. I’ve had the baby vaccinated and taken the umbilical hernia powder as prescribed by the doctor. He said it should pass in a week, but also mentioned that the medicine cannot be taken as it is toxic. I’m especially scared. What should I do if my baby has an umbilical hernia?


Pediatric umbilical hernia powder is a traditional Chinese medicine preparation, containing ingredients such as scorpions, hog lard, rhubarb, angelica, castor oil, cinnabar, and artificial cow gallbladder. Scorpions and cinnabar are among the toxic herbal ingredients, and excessive use may lead to poisoning. Based on your description, your baby is taking the powder three times a day, which also poses a risk of toxicity. If your baby exhibits symptoms such as restlessness or rapid breathing, seek medical attention immediately and consult with the doctor for specific analysis results.