
A one-month-old baby with HLE at birth was discharged after 15 days of hospital treatment. EEG and CT scans showed no abnormalities. Recently, the baby suddenly wakes up in sleep with the right leg straightening and crying loudly. Is this a seizure? What checks should be performed?


This condition may not necessarily be a seizure, which is classified into mild, moderate, and severe degrees in clinical practice. It is recommended to supplement vitamin D and get plenty of sunlight while observing for signs of calcium deficiency. If the episodes are frequent, it is advisable to visit the hospital for a doctor’s examination, and an EEG may be necessary to rule out the possibility of a seizure. Typical symptoms of a seizure include fixed gaze, upward rolling of the eyes, stiff or twitching limbs, and consciousness impairment. It is recommended to undergo relevant examinations to confirm the situation.