
A two-year-old boy experienced convulsive symptoms three months ago, and a diagnosis of epilepsy was confirmed through an electroencephalogram. The boy had a head injury six months ago due to a fall, requiring three stitches. The parents want to know if the head injury could be the cause of the epilepsy, and whether the occasional hand and foot movements during sleep are related.


Based on the description, the boy’s epilepsy may be related to the previous head injury. It is recommended to undergo a cranial CT scan for further confirmation. Additionally, decreased immune function may also be a factor in causing epilepsy. It is suggested to use immune enhancers, encourage appropriate exercise, maintain a stable mindset, and reduce the child’s crying and fussing to lower the likelihood of attack . At the same time, consider undergoing a brain MRI scan and follow the advice of the attending physician for treatment and health care.