
What symptoms can appear in children with tonsillitis? Take an eight-year-old boy as an example; he has just started experiencing a sore throat, slight cough, and fever, and seems to be lacking in energy.


The tonsils are located at the back of the throat. When they become inflamed, common symptoms include a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever. In severe cases, the body temperature may rise to 40 degrees Celsius. Other symptoms may include fatigue, headache, general body aches, and chills. The child’s tonsils may swell, and the mucous membranes in the throat may show diffuse congestion. These symptoms are quite apparent. If not treated promptly, complications such as rheumatism, nephritis, and sepsis may occur. Therefore, it is recommended that parents closely monitor their child’s symptoms and seek medical treatment promptly if any of the above conditions are present.