
I have a two-and-a-half-month-old baby at home. I’ve heard that it’s time to start giving cod liver oil, but I’ve never done so, thinking that breastfeeding is sufficient. Now, I want to know which brand of cod liver oil is most suitable and what dosage should be given. Additionally, I have purchased Beijian brand cod liver oil, is this brand appropriate?


Cod liver oil is a fat oil extracted from the livers of non-toxic fish, which is then processed by deodorization at around 0℃. It is adjusted to the correct concentration with refined edible vegetable oils or vitamins A and D3, and appropriate stabilizers are added. The vitamin A content in each gram of cod liver oil should reach more than 90% of the labeled amount, and vitamin D should reach 85% of the labeled amount. Cod liver oil is a clear yellow to orange-red liquid with a slight fishy taste but not greasy. Narrow-scaled cod liver oil is made from fish livers and is a common choice. As for the Beijian brand cod liver oil, it is recommended to check its ingredient label.