
A six-and-a-half-year-old boy has recently been diagnosed with childhood enuresis, sometimes wetting his pants during the day when he cannot control his urination. Is this considered enuresis? What type of medication should be used for treatment, and where can it be purchased?


Many parents have long viewed bedwetting as a condition rather than a disease, attributing it to too much play, drinking too much water, or simply believing the child is lazy and has not developed good habits. Due to the exhaustion of caring for a child over a long period, parents may scold or even beat their children. However, in reality, bedwetting mainly results from dysfunction of the urination nervous system and insensitivity to the relevant nervous system control. For the treatment of enuresis, it is first necessary to seek a professional doctor’s diagnosis and advice. Medication treatment may include antidiuretic hormone drugs or other specific drugs for enuresis. These medications can usually be purchased at hospitals or pharmacies, but must be prescribed by a doctor.