
A child has been diagnosed with epilepsy, with main symptoms including staring spells, loss of consciousness, and occasional whole-body convulsions, but without any signs of tooth clenching or frothing at the mouth. The child is currently undergoing traditional Chinese medicine treatment, primarily focusing on resolving phlegm, opening meridians, and calming the mind and spirit, and is taking herbs such as rhinoceros horn and gold needles, without using Western medicine. How can this disease be cured permanently?


Considering the patient’s young age, it is recommended to consider using nanometer micro-surgical repair techniques for treatment, which is currently the most suitable treatment method. The treatment of epilepsy should be initiated as early as possible, and it is suggested that patients and their families carefully choose a medical institution. Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease caused by abnormal discharge of neurons, and radical cure requires achieving the effect of repairing damaged cells. Therefore, it is recommended to use infiltration repair techniques for treatment to repair damaged cells.