
My daughter is 8 months old and has been diagnosed with mild intracranial hydrops. The doctor said to use oxygen therapy, but I’ve seen some information that doesn’t mention this treatment. I’m not sure if it’s feasible, and I also want to know if this condition will affect her future development. Thank you for your response.


If hydrocephalus is not treated promptly, it can affect a child’s intellectual development. If detected early and treated promptly, intelligence can still return to normal. Be observant and consult a doctor immediately if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned.Brain ultrasounds or CT scans can help confirm the diagnosis and allow for early treatment. Prevent intracranial infections and hemorrhages as well. If you have intracranial infections or hemorrhages, treat them promptly and thoroughly to prevent adhesive hydrocephalus. Currently, it is recommended to follow the doctor’s advice for treatment.