
Hello again, I’m still in Tianjin. Last month, I had my child undergo another brain CT scan, and the results were: “widening of the ventricles and cerebral cisterns” and “softening of the parietal lobe.” Are these conditions severe? What kind of treatment is required? What medication should be used? Are you online right now? Can I ask you something online, or would you be able to respond?


You can consult with local hospitals that specialize in rehabilitation treatment. The widening of the ventricles and cerebral cisterns means that the ventricles and cisterns have become larger. Softening of the parietal lobe indicates that the brain tissue in that area is not as good as in other areas, suggesting possible brain development issues. As to whether it is severe, that would depend on the results shown. In addition to administering cerebroactive substances, the most important thing is to undergo rehabilitation treatment. It’s very important to start treatment promptly.