
Is the Down Syndrome prenatal screening report normal?


The results of the Down Syndrome prenatal screening report show the following: AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein) level is 15.11 ng/ml, MOM (Multiple of Median) value is 0.4309; HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) level is 45994.00 ng/ml, MOM value is 1.1126; uE3 (Unconjugated Estriol) level is 30.578 ng/ml, MOM value is 0.8132. According to the results, this report falls within the normal range. The Down Syndrome prenatal screening primarily detects trisomy 21. If the risk is low, the result is considered normal. If the result shows a high risk, there may be a possibility of Down Syndrome. It is recommended to undergo amniocentesis for a definitive diagnosis in cases of high risk. Active treatment is possible, and generally, the issues are not too severe. It’s important to note that the Down Syndrome prenatal screening is not a definitive diagnostic test, and a high-risk result does not necessarily indicate a problem. Further amniocentesis or non-invasive DNA testing can provide a clear diagnosis. I hope this answer helps you understand whether this report is normal. If you have any other questions, please consult your doctor or healthcare professional.