
My son is 9 years old and has pediatric cerebral palsy. This year, he has developed epilepsy, which usually occurs during sleep at night, lasting for 3-5 minutes, with loss of consciousness but no convulsions. He immediately takes medication, four pills a day, which has been going on for two months. Yesterday, he had another attack, and the movements were more intense than before. Are there any other good solutions? How should the medication be taken?


The main treatment for epilepsy currently is oral medication to suppress seizures. After continuous use for 3-5 years and no seizures for more than a year, medication can be gradually reduced according to the doctor’s instructions until it is stopped. Now that there is an attack, please take your child to the hospital for a check-up to determine whether it is due to external factors (such as overexertion or excitement) or if the medication has not controlled the seizures. If it is due to uncontrolled medication, increase the dosage according to the doctor’s instructions; if it is due to external factors, just be more careful in the future.