
My child is 11 years old, and this year, he’s been tossing and turning at night, saying he’s not tired, and can’t fall asleep even when I read him a short story. He used to fall asleep quickly. Now, he sleeps late and is tired in the morning. I want to know what the effects of children’s sleep disorders are?


Long-term sleep disorders can lead to insufficient rest for children’s brain nerves, restricted secretion of growth hormones, thereby affecting their physical and intellectual development. Firstly, it is necessary to rule out organic changes such as allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, enlarged tonsils, and tonsillitis. If the child has a picky eating habit, it may be advisable to test for trace element content and supplement vitamins appropriately. Additionally, maintaining a cheerful mood and keeping the indoor environment quiet and clean can also help improve sleep quality.