
My son is unable to speak due to cerebral palsy, has poor walking posture, and has very low learning ability, making self-care difficult. Is cerebral palsy hereditary? What should be paid attention to in the diet for cerebral palsy?


  1. Eating should be regular, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner being the main meals. If conditions permit, an additional snack can be added in the morning and afternoon. Timely meals can increase appetite, which is a dietary principle for cerebral palsy patients.
  2. The staple food for cerebral palsy patients should primarily consist of carbohydrates, such as rice, noodles, buns, congee, and flour. Excessive variety in food can affect appetite and lead to malnutrition. These are important dietary principles for cerebral palsy patients. Cerebral palsy is a neuro-motor disorder that usually does not inherit to the next generation. Recovery treatment is crucial for improving the quality of life for cerebral palsy patients. It is recommended to consult a neurology specialist for a more detailed treatment plan.