
Dr. Wang, my baby is now 7 months old. She was born prematurely at 9 months of pregnancy and has had persistent low blood sugar since the second day after birth. Now, it has been diagnosed as a type 2 glycogen storage disease. He also has cerebral palsy, vision issues, and occasional seizures. I want to know if these symptoms are related to his condition.


Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive motor disorder caused by non-progressive brain damage or brain maldevelopment due to central nervous system disorders, which may be caused by various factors such as congenital brain developmental anomalies, neonatal shock, brain ischemia and hypoxia, and head injuries. Cerebral palsy is a relatively serious condition. It refers to a syndrome caused by non-progressive brain damage due to certain causes before, during, or in the early infancy of birth. Therefore, among all children with cerebral palsy, about 4 children with normal intelligence have mild intellectual disabilities. Therefore, when diagnosed with cerebral palsy, treatment should be initiated immediately, and early treatment can minimize the extent of brain damage. The influence of parents on their children is very important.