
Considering the current situation, what could be the cause of the illness?


Considering the current situation, this could be a case of diarrhea. Further investigation is needed to determine if it is caused by a viral or bacterial infection.


Are there any opinions or suggestions?


Here are some suggestions:

  1. A routine stool test should be conducted. If there are no signs of pus cells or white blood cells indicating bacterial infection, antibiotics are usually not necessary. If antibiotics are needed, only narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be used.
  2. Antiviral treatment, fluid replacement, and electrolyte supplementation should be provided. It would be better if electrolyte tests are conducted before supplementation for more effective treatment.
  3. Symptomatic treatments such as Montmorillonite powder, racemic cadexotide granules, and quadruple viable bacteria tablets can be used.
  4. In terms of diet, easy-to-digest and light foods like white rice porridge and noodles should be given, avoiding greasy and sweet foods. Wishing your baby a healthy growth!