
My child has been diagnosed with pediatric cerebral palsy, primarily caused by jaundice. The child cannot hold things, cannot speak. There are severe talipes, scissors gait, and high muscle tone. Can NCR be used for regeneration therapy? Please contact me urgently, thank you!


Common symptoms of pediatric cerebral palsy include the feet pointing downwards during lifting, assuming a toe-standing posture, resembling a pair of feet dancing the ballet, with some even showing crossing, resembling scissors. By 2-3 months, the child may not smile, lift the head, or tightly grasp fingers, nor will they open their hands. At 4-5 months, the child may not roll over, at 8 months may not sit, and will not grasp or put their hands in their mouth. In addition, intellectual development may also lag behind normal children of the same age. Symptoms of cerebral palsy also include difficulties in breastfeeding, weak suckling, swallowing difficulties or easy choking on milk, and vomiting. General weakness, softness or stiffness of the limbs are also symptoms of cerebral palsy. The baby’s mouth cannot close well, and the crying sound is weak or in intermittent screams. For the treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy, it is recommended that you consult a professional doctor to obtain the most accurate advice. They can assess the child’s condition and develop an individualized treatment plan based on specific circumstances. Possible treatment methods include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and medication. Neural muscle electrical stimulation, exercise therapy, and surgery may also be applicable in certain situations. NCR (neural…