
Hello, the child of our neighbor Xiao Wang was diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy shortly after birth. Currently, the child’s intelligence, language abilities, and other aspects are lagging behind same age children. How should cerebral palsy be treated? What should be paid attention to in daily life?


The clinical manifestations of cerebral palsy are diverse, including sudden muscle stiffness, such as difficulty in dressing or bending the body when lying on the back; muscle softness, such as weak neck and head, with limbs dangling when held in the air; reduced activity; developmental delays, such as falling behind same age children in the ability to lift the head, sit, and use hands; difficulties in eating, such as poor sucking and swallowing abilities, with the tongue often pushing out milk and food, and difficulty in closing the mouth; as well as abnormal behaviors, such as being easily upset or angry, poor sleep quality or excessive sleepiness, and not smiling even at three months old. Treating Cerebral Palsy