
Children with cerebral palsy face numerous difficulties in learning and daily life, such as low learning ability, difficulty walking, unclear language expression, and weak bodies, with limited self-care abilities. What is the incidence rate of cerebral palsy? How should it be treated? What dietary suggestions are there?


The muscle spasms in children with cerebral palsy are caused by functional disorders in the sensory motor system, characterized by hyperactivity of the stretch reflex. The stiffness, contraction, and fibrosis of muscles may interact with pathological regulatory mechanisms, affecting the normal control of limb posture and movement, leading to reduced joint mobility and impaired function. Spasms can be one of the most severe consequences of spasticity. Treatment methods for cerebral palsy are diverse, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, all aimed at improving the children’s motor functions, daily living skills, and communication abilities. Additionally, a balanced diet should be emphasized to provide adequate protein and vitamins to support the child’s recovery.