
My baby is just two months old, and I’ve noticed that he always likes to tilt his head back. I’ve heard that it might be cerebral palsy. What are the symptoms of baby cerebral palsy?


Abnormal manifestations of cerebral palsy include hyperirritability, persistent crying, and difficulty falling asleep; some parents even report that their child cries all night. About 30% of cerebral palsy infants may exhibit symptoms similar to severe intestinal colic within the first three months after birth, with sudden recurrence of intense crying. Early detection of cerebral palsy and timely treatment, combined with rehabilitation therapy, offer a positive outlook for the child’s recovery. Currently, stem cell transplantation technology has a significant advantage in treating cerebral palsy with high cure rates, making it the best choice for treatment. Patients should develop good living habits in daily life, maintain regular routines, quit smoking and drinking, and increase daily exercise to enhance immunity to avoid recurrence of the condition.