
An eight-year-old boy often wakes up during the night, first with a cough, followed by episodic vomiting, and after a brief panic, he quickly falls back asleep. This symptom occurs predominantly at night and the frequency of onset is variable, sometimes appearing three to four times within a week, or as little as once or twice.


Firstly, I wish your child a speedy recovery. Here are some effective remedies for treating children’s vomiting:

  1. In cases of severe stomach cramps and vomiting, Yunan Baiyao capsules can be taken to stop the nausea.
  2. Boiled hawthorn water can be consumed as a daily beverage to help alleviate indigestion. It can effectively stop vomiting caused by meat and greasy foods.
  3. Mixing fresh ginger, bamboo silk, and water can relieve stomach discomfort and effectively stop vomiting.
  4. When taking medications containing castor oil or magnesium sulfate, hard candy or gum can be taken along to alleviate the nausea caused by the medication. However, diabetics should only use gum. If the above suggestions do not suit you…