
The baby girl has been constipated since one month after birth, now passing hard stool eggs, about three fingers thick for an adult, dark green, with occasional black residue visible from undigested food. She defecates every two to three days. Currently, there is a 0.5 to 1 cm fissure in the anus with a white ulcerous surface, causing great distress. Please advise experts, what should be done?


If your child has been on formula milk, please filter the milk and use some probiotics. You need to find a way to get your child to drink water and suggest consulting a doctor. Why did you wait so long to seek help? Has the child’s condition worsened? At a children’s hospital, doctors will diagnose your child and prescribe appropriate medication. This is the suggestion for the question ‘How to Treat Constipation in an August Baby Girl?’ I hope it helps you. Wishing you health!