
The 37-day-old baby has very loose stools with milk curds, about 5 times a day. Sometimes there are milk curds in the mouth as well. The baby is on mixed feeding, drinking a lot of Mornflake Milk Powder. I hope it can be relieved. I heard it’s due to indigestion, and it’s said that baby’s spleen-strengthening san is effective. Is that true, and are there any side effects?


If the baby is breastfed, as long as the milk intake is normal, the baby is in good spirits, sleeps well, and gains weight normally, there is usually no need for special treatment. If the baby is on mixed feeding, you need to determine if the baby is getting enough to eat. In cases where the baby has not eaten enough, the intestines may move faster, which could also result in green stools. In such cases, simply increasing the milk intake and ensuring the baby eats sufficiently should suffice. Catching a cold is also a common reason for faster intestinal movement and green stools. Green stools caused by this reason may be accompanied by symptoms such as a cold. If there are only green stools, pay attention to keeping the abdominal area warm, especially at night. The condition should return to normal after a few days.