
When can a baby start drinking honey? How much honey can a baby drink per day? What should the honey-to-water ratio be? When should a baby start drinking juice? How much juice can a baby drink per day? If diluted, what’s the ratio? When should a baby start drinking vegetable juice? How should it be consumed? How much per day? What’s the water dilution ratio if diluted?


For babies under two months old, it is not recommended to drink honey water as it can be effective for constipation. Since a baby’s gastrointestinal function is not fully developed, it is best not to give honey to babies. Juice can be given to babies, but not in excess; about 15 milliliters per day is sufficient. You can wash the fruit, cut it into small pieces, boil water, add the fruit, cook for a while longer, then mash and strain out the juice. As for vegetable juice, it can be introduced when the baby is about three months old. It’s important to note that introducing solid foods too early may have negative effects, so caution is advised.