
An 8-month-old baby’s gum at the stone tooth position (about the size of a stone tooth) turned white and then started to turn yellow. The skin became ulcerated and a piece of pus-like bad skin fell off. The reason (already has 4 teeth, top 4 bottom 2). Lately, the baby cries at night and has a lot of saliva, dare not use a pacifier to drink milk. What should I do?


This is because the cells that form the enamel during tooth development are not absorbed, which is why milk teeth appear. However, this does not affect the normal growth of milk teeth, so there is no need for treatment, and it will fall off naturally in a few weeks. Do not wipe hard or use a needle to pick at the milk teeth to avoid causing inflammation or stomatitis. If the baby’s milk teeth are affected by eating or have inflammation, you can rinse the gum with clean water. In addition, the baby may bite fingers, so you can give them a teething ring to chew on, which is beneficial for tooth growth and the shedding of milk teeth.