
Dear experts! My 2-year-old child’s sleep has worsened at night after taking health supplement tablets. Before taking them, he could sleep through two naps until the morning, but now (after taking one tablet daily) he needs to be put to bed four to five times before he can sleep until the next morning. He had taken a similar health supplement before when he was 18 months old, and the same issue occurred, so we stopped taking it. Is this situation normal? What could be the cause?


Some children sleep a lot during the day and are full of energy at night. When parents are too tired to pay attention to them, children will cry to get attention. It’s important not to overfeed or underfeed infants before bedtime to avoid discomfort from an upset stomach or hunger affecting their sleep. Also, avoid excessive playtime before bed to keep the child’s emotions stable and prevent overexcitement. After getting into bed, it’s best not to give toys to prevent the child from being too occupied and reluctant to fall asleep.