
My baby is a little over 4 months old, and I have started introducing complementary foods for her. I heard that cornmeal is quite nutritious, so I added cornmeal porridge with sugar to her diet. Can I feed her this way? Will it cause diarrhea?


Here are the recommended sequences for introducing complementary foods: 2-3 months: Vegetable water, fruit water (juice), rice gruel. 4-5 months: Egg yolk, rice powder or formula milk, vegetable puree, fish puree, fruit puree (it’s also okay to scrape apple with a small spoon), etc. 6-8 months: Eggs, thick porridge or soft noodles, fish puree, liver puree, minced lean meat, tofu, biscuits or bun slices, small pieces of fruit, chopped vegetables. 9-12 months: Eggs, soft rice, dumplings or small soup dumplings, minced meat, chopped vegetables, soy products, small pieces of vegetables. For a baby who is a little over 4 months old, adding cornmeal porridge with sugar may not be very suitable. It is recommended to follow the above sequence for introducing complementary foods and gradually introduce new foods to ensure that the baby receives a balanced diet and that the digestive system can adapt. If the baby experiences diarrhea or other discomforts, stop introducing the new food immediately and consult a doctor for advice.