
A one-month-old baby has been passing green stool for half a month, which has an odor, and then turns yellow with a fishy smell. The stool frequency is 1 to 2 times a day, and it is not diarrhea. What could be the cause? Thank you!


The green stool you described is meconium, which is typically passed by newborns within two to three days after birth, after which the stool returns to normal. It’s possible that your baby has not completely passed the meconium yet; it’s advisable to observe for a few more days. If the situation persists, it’s recommended to take the baby to see a doctor. Additionally, breakfast should include staple food, soy milk, cereal, and apples; the staple food should be paired with vegetables and fruits. If the breakfast combination includes fewer than two types, it is considered a low-quality breakfast. Currently, 20% of Chinese people do not eat breakfast, and 50%-60% do not consume nutritious breakfasts, which cannot be compensated for in lunch and dinner.