
Dear Doctor! My baby is 6 months old and has been suffering from diarrhea for about ten days. The appetite isn’t as good as before, but the baby’s spirit is okay. The frequency is 4-7 times a day, with yellow frothy stools, sometimes slimy, and occasionally watery. What should I do for a baby with diarrhea at 6 months old?


A six-month-old baby with diarrhea should have a stool sample collected in a clean plastic container and sent to a nearby hospital for laboratory testing within an hour. In terms of treatment, the following points should be noted: Firstly, pay attention to dietary management. Diarrhea in six-month-old babies is often caused by intestinal viral infections, such as rotavirus infection, which may lead to lactose intolerance. It is recommended to switch to lactose-free MilkPowder or give the baby lactase supplements to aid in digesting lactose; on the diet front, feed the baby in small, frequent meals. If complementary foods have been introduced, avoid giving fatty or stimulating complementary foods and be mindful of preventing dehydration.