
Hello doctor, it has been 20 days since my surgery, and I used internal fixation. Can I start rehabilitation training now? How should I carry out the rehabilitation training, and what should I pay attention to during the training? Moreover, when I try to extend my hand, I feel a tearing pain at the surgical site. What could be the cause of this, and is it normal?


Based on your description of the situation, it is too early to begin rehabilitation training after just 20 days of surgery. Generally, fractures require about 100 days of recovery time before functional exercises are appropriate. The time post-surgery is still too short. It is recommended that you avoid eating cold, spicy, and pungent foods according to your body condition, ensure adequate rest, consume more high-protein foods, and avoid overexertion. At the same time, avoid forceful movements and regularly review X-rays to observe the formation of bone calluses. For detailed plans regarding rehabilitation training, please consult your doctor.