
A four-month-and-ten-day-old girl baby has been experiencing diarrhea for half a month. The regular stool test results show two plus signs of fat globules, diagnosing the condition as dyspepsia. The doctor suggests stopping breastfeeding, but the baby feels hungry because she doesn’t want to breastfeed. If breastfeeding continues, the baby’s stool will turn green. How should this be handled? Additionally, the baby had a fever and underwent a routine blood test, with the blood count slightly elevated. The doctor believes there is a slight inflammation and the fever has subsided. Should amoxicillin continue to be administered, worrying about the development of drug resistance if the medication is interrupted?


Considering it could be physiological diarrhea, in this case, the baby usually has no other symptoms besides increased stool frequency, good appetite, no vomiting, and normal growth and development. With the addition of complementary foods, the stool will gradually return to normal. The regular stool test showing two plus signs of fat globules indeed indicates dyspepsia. It can