
My sister just had a baby, and the baby has severe jaundice. What should I do if the infant’s jaundice does not disappear through eating?


The cause of neonatal jaundice may be pathological jaundice, but if the child does not have difficulty breathing at birth, subcutaneous hemorrhage of the scalp, incompatibility of ABO blood types between mother and child, or has not been exposed to camphor balls at home, and the child’s mental state and feeding condition are good, without convulsions, irritability, or anorexia, and without white stools, then it can be carefully observed at home. In addition to pathological jaundice, there is also a common lactogenic jaundice caused by breastfeeding, which may disappear spontaneously after one month in some cases and generally does not cause significant interference. In this case, it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding.