
August pediatric diarrhea first question supplement: The stool is loose and slightly dark, with a frequency of 3-4 times a day, sometimes even once at night. The child’s mental state is not very good, sometimes crying and fussing. Ten days ago, there was a bit of heat and constipation, which just improved, and then it was like this. During this diarrhea period, I also used breast milk probiotics. Please ask the expert what’s going on?


It is recommended to check the stool routine to see if there is any inflammation. Pediatric diarrhea, also known as indigestion, often occurs in infants and young children under 2 years old. Prolonged diarrhea can often lead to malnutrition in children, delayed growth and development, and symptoms such as emaciation. It is suggested to gradually regulate and improve the condition under the guidance of a doctor by appropriately increasing probiotics and digestive aids, feeding in small amounts multiple times a day, not overfeeding at one time. Combine with traditional Chinese medicine massage therapy, and pay attention to warmth to avoid catching a cold.