
The stool is slightly watery, sometimes thick, and there is some watery discharge when coughing or urinating. Occasionally, there are milk residues in the baby’s stool, and both the baby’s stool and urine have a strong odor. However, the child’s growth and development have been good. Height and weight have always been above average. The mental state is also very good.


A child who eats a lot naturally has more bowel movements. If the consistency and color of the stool are normal, there is no need to worry; this might be due to your baby’s strong digestive function! If the stool is loose and the color is abnormal, it could be because there is too much oil and fat in the milk or food, causing the baby’s gastrointestinal system to be overburdened and leading to malabsorption, or it could be due to catching a cold. If the baby continues to have diarrhea, it is advisable to seek medical assistance! It is recommended to closely monitor your baby’s stool condition.