
What should be done if a baby at 41 weeks of pregnancy hasn’t entered the pelvis, and after administering oxytocin to dilate the cervix, the baby still hasn’t entered the pelvis? Can forceps be used to deliver the baby? Are there any risks to the baby or the mother?


If a baby at 41 weeks of pregnancy hasn’t entered the pelvis, assisted delivery with forceps can be considered, but only if the baby has already entered the pelvis. It’s best to consult with an obstetrician for advice. Additionally, you can try using oxytocin to observe the baby’s condition. It’s not yet possible to determine whether a cesarean section or natural delivery is preferable based on the baby’s specific situation. If a decision is made to deliver, efforts can be made to speed up labor to observe the outcome. Please note that the information provided here is for reference only, and specific situations should be discussed with a professional doctor.