
If a baby at 41 weeks of pregnancy hasn’t entered the pelvis and the mother wants to deliver naturally, what should be done if the uterus is fully dilated after receiving an induction shot but the baby still hasn’t entered the pelvis? The mother doesn’t want a cesarean section. She has heard that forceps can be used to deliver the baby. Is that possible? Will it harm the baby or the mother?


If the baby hasn’t entered the pelvis, consideration can be given to using forceps to assist in delivery, but this should only be done if the baby has at least entered the pelvis. It’s best to consult with a gynecologist and try applying oxytocin to observe the baby’s condition. It’s still not certain whether a cesarean section or natural birth should be chosen, and this decision should be based on the baby’s situation. If natural birth is chosen, efforts should be made to accelerate labor and observe the outcome. As for whether using forceps to deliver the baby will harm the baby or the mother, it’s best to consult with a doctor.