
I have a twin baby who was born 29 weeks premature and is bottle-fed. The smaller one has had poor digestion all along and occasionally throws up, but the stool has always been yellowish and usually occurs two to three times a day. The baby was previously fed with Mead Johnson A+, but recently we switched to Abbott Similac Pro Advance. Since the switch, the baby defecates only once a day. The color seemed normal before, but since yesterday, the baby has been passing green stools without diarrhea. Is this normal? Do I need to take the baby to the hospital for a check-up?


Based on your description, your child’s condition may be related to viral infection or tonsillitis. It is recommended to maintain a relaxed mood, drink plenty of water, and avoid spicy foods. For a child primarily breastfed, if the stool intervals are long but the consistency is not hard, and the child can defecate autonomously without any major problems, just strengthening nutrition is needed. If you are not sure, you can take probiotics orally or gently stimulate the anus to help defecate.