
My 8-month-old baby often vomits when fed a slightly larger or drier amount of food, and the amount is also very small. Is this related to the swallowing syndrome diagnosed by the doctor at birth? Additionally, the baby often eats and then throws up, and the stool has an acidic smell. Do I need to seek medical attention, and how should I care for the baby on a daily basis? Thank you.


Infants have relatively weak gastrointestinal functions. If they eat too much, exceeding the digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract, their stool may have an acidic smell. It is recommended not to overfeed during feeding. Feeding smaller, more frequent meals can aid in digestion and absorption. Moms always pay attention to their baby’s clothing, food, and living environment, and even a slight change can be noticed. For instance, when changing a diaper, if there are changes in the smell, color, or texture of the baby’s stool, moms can detect it immediately. Because changes in stool can sometimes indicate changes in the body. When there is an acidic smell in the stool, it can be caused by many factors, so timely adjustment is necessary.