
My baby is over two months old and is on a mixed feeding diet with more formula milk than breast milk. She drinks water and carrot juice or apple juice every day. Lately, her stool has been gray with a touch of yellow, dry and hard, and has a little bit of curd. It smells very bad. People say that children’s stool will become smelly only after eating salt or adding complementary foods. Is that true? Is my baby’s stool normal? Can a two-month-old child eat anything other than formula milk?


A baby’s stool may become abnormal due to factors such as feeding methods and frequencies, and it is necessary to observe carefully. For breastfed babies, normal stool appears yellow or golden yellow in color, with a uniform consistency like cream, a sweet-sour smell, but not smelly, without any obvious mucus. It is important to note the other nutritional supplements for the baby beyond formula milk.