
The G6PD activity (ratio method) is 3499/L, the red blood cell fragility test is 40%, HB-F is 2.3%, HBA2 is 4.0%, and the rapid zone is 8.9%. Do these data indicate the presence of thalassemia? What is its severity?


Based on the provided data, there is a possibility of thalassemia, but further tests are needed for a definitive diagnosis. It is recommended to undergo regular prenatal examinations and follow the doctor’s guidance for necessary checks. Normal G6PD activity indicates that you do not have favism, but women may be carriers. Red blood cell fragility is commonly used for preliminary screening of thalassemia, and G6PD deficiency may also lead to reduced red blood cell fragility. Pregnant women with thalassemia can undergo prenatal testing and should follow regular prenatal checks as advised by the doctor.